Abbey Road was founded in 2009 and is a community-based non-profit corporation committed to preserving and expanding the supply of affordable housing for lower-income households in the greater Los Angeles area.
Through its housing development, economic development and neighborhood improvement initiatives, Abbey Road seeks to: (1) improve neighborhoods and the quality of life for lower income households; (2) foster the economic, racial and ethnic diversity of neighborhoods for the benefit of all who live and work in the area; and (3) preserve and increase affordable housing through the rehabilitation of deteriorated properties.
Abbey Road senior staff members have long standing relationships and experience with public agencies such as: Los Angles Housing Department, Los Angeles County Development Authority, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Housing Authority County of Los Angeles, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, and the California Department of Housing and Community Development
Penny Lane Centers provides supportive services for all housing units in our portfolio. The missions of both organizations are parallel and some personnel at Abbey Road also have key positions at Penny Lane Centers, which allows for a seamless collaboration between the two. This integration brings over 50 years of experience serving foster children, former foster youth, and high risk families in the Los Angeles County area.